It's not like we live on an island. In fact, even those who live on islands aren't limited to the island anymore. Access developers may now leverage all the power of the Internet from the comfort and convenience of their familiar VBA code modules. Learn how to use Microsoft Access with the Web Services Toolkit to do things like; validate email an address, retrieve stock quotes or display a random Hungarian proverb.
Danny J. Lesandrini, although having programmed in FORTRAN with a keypunch machine and punch cards over20 years ago, became bored and strayed from the path of technology. Then in the mid 90's, prompted by a friend to return to the field of programming, he dove head-first into Microsoft Access. Today, Danny is a Microsoft Certified Professional in Access, Visual Basic and SQL Server, has been programming with Microsoft development tools since 1995. He maintains a web site with free code samples at and replies to all questions and comments sent to